(513) 870-1441

Blog – Cinci

June 1, 2020

With the outbreak of COVID-19, we are experiencing an unprecedented time in healthcare. Medical professionals are being challenged to provide the best care to our patients in a very stressful environment. It is more critical than ever to build trust and maintain patient safety and adjust standards of practice to adhere to both state and

November 18, 2019

Hope you enjoyed the first issue of Pain Now. The inaugural issue focused on continuing a collaborative effort with primary care and pain physicians to prevent the over prescribing of opioids and offer alternative treatments for chronic pain. The goal is to present treatment solutions to improve pain and function, and minimize medications being prescribed

October 17, 2019

We’re excited to introduce our first monthly newsletter: Pain Now. This publication provides our Dayton community of providers with information on prevalent chronic pain related topics. The first issue covers:   Letter From The Editor Opioid Update Role of Spine Specialists Acute Opioid Prescribing Laws Happening This Month National Drug Takeback Day Read the October